2017-05-18 06:00:00

Manage waste better (改善廢物處理政策)


Everyone agrees that we need to reduce dumping waste in our landfills(減低堆填區的負荷). This starts in our own kitchen: We need to put a box next to the waste bin to collect recyclables. We also need space at each floor and near the ground floor entrances of our homes where we can drop off the paper, metal, plastic and glass recyclables. 
But how about at district and village level? We have 3,200 refuse collection points(垃圾收集站) and 18,000 litter and dog poo bins. These refuse collection points(RPCs) are telltale signs of how dysfunctional government’s waste handling is.
Firstly, they are too small and they are not designed for recycling. If there is a three-bin container, it is too small and hard to use. The only ones happy with the design of RCPs are the wild boars, feral dogs and rats who feast on the open waste. Arrive early morning and see how the bags are ripped and contents are spilled on nearby streets. 
Secondly, the management of RCPs is incredibly inefficient(不同部門管理不同種類及位置的垃圾). Household waste is removed by Food and Environmental Hygiene Department(FEHD). The three-color recyclable bin is emptied by the Environmental Protection Department(EPD). And renovation waste left near RCPs is cleared by Highways Department or Lands Department after it first placed a notice under Chapter 28 section 6(1) of the Land(Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance reminding the “owner” to stop occupying unleased government land. 
Is that a smart city? Many have suggested that the government has one “waste authority” or “trading fund” merging the cleansing teams and waste facilities of the FEHD and the EPD(合併管理提高效率).
At the same time, to stop fly-tipping(非法棄置建築廢料) we not only need better enforcement, we need more convenient places for people to drop off large household and small renovation waste.
Agree? Disagree? Let me know via www.facebook.com/PZpage.