國產動畫大作《哪吒之魔童鬧海》(下稱《哪吒2》)在海外逐步上畫,據報目前採用普通話現配音以及中英雙語字幕。網上流傳當中一句台詞「急急如律令」被譯成「quickly quickly biu biu biu」,隨即衝上熱搜,電影發行商的人員對此有回應。
「急急如律令」源自道教文化,意為「立即執行,如同法律般不可違抗」。內媒指出,2019年的第一集哪吒《哪吒之魔童降世》(《哪吒1》)在海外上映時,微博上曾有翻譯台詞大賽,而當時有網民把「急急如律令」譯為「fast fast biu biu」,當中「fast fast」是「急急」之意,而「biu biu」則是模擬法術的聲音,被譽為「神翻譯」。
《哪吒2》(NeZha 2)國際預告片截圖︰
哪吒2|海外發行商稱「quickly quickly biu biu biu」消息虛構
如今《哪吒2》出海(在海外上映),盛傳「急急如律令」被譯為「quickly quickly biu biu biu」,跟上述的翻譯同出一轍,也是「快」加上法術聲音。但《哪吒2》海外發行商華人影業工作人員表示,「quickly quickly biu biu biu」這消息是假的。
哪吒2|第一集譯為「Be quick to obey my command」
目前暫未知該台詞在《哪吒2》的真正譯法,但在《哪吒1》裡,它被譯為「Be quick to obey my command」,即「速速遵從我的命令」。據報當年也有網民提出直接用普通話拼音「Ji Ji Ru Lu Ling」來譯「急急如律令」,以保留咒語的神韻,就像《獅子王》裡的「Hakuna Matata」一樣。
哪吒2|DeepSeek ChatGPT4解答「急急如律令」英文
.Swiftly, as decreed by law.
.Quickly, as commanded.
.With utmost urgency, by divine decree.
.Immediately, as per the mandate.
.Hasten, by the power of the decree.。
.Swiftly, as the law commands.
.Quickly, in accordance with the decree.
.By the divine order, act swiftly.
.Hasten as the command dictates.
.Execute promptly as decreed by the law.
.By divine command, act with haste.
.In the name of the law, act swiftly.
.Let it be done immediately, as commanded by the decree.
.Swiftly fulfill the command, as ordained by the law.

「急急如律令」在第一集時被譯為「Be quick to obey my command」。(互聯網)