2020-04-06 16:01:00

DURAN DURAN 成員John Taylor呼籲用信念擊敗病毒


八十年代英國新浪漫樂隊DURAN DURAN的Bass手John Taylor,3周前證實感染了新冠肺炎,經過隔離及治療後現已康復,他今日在DURAN DURAN的facebook帳戶發文,分享自己面對病毒的經過,呼籲大家不要掉以輕心之餘,不要被恐懼支配,他說:「我要對這種大流行病毒,引起的巨大恐懼(有些恐懼是完全有道理的)作出回應,真心對於痛失家人,和正受病毒之苦的人表示敬意。但我想讓大家知道,這病毒並不是殺手,我們可以擊敗它的。」(I am speaking out in answer to the enormous amount of fear being generated by the pandemic, some of it entirely justified, and my heart goes out to everyone who has had to deal with real loss and pain. But I want to let you know that it isn't always a killer, and we can and will beat this thing.)


John Taylor又稱:「對意大利、英國和美國以及世界各地的fans致以最深的愛意,我急不及待再次回到舞台上,分享新的創作、愛與歡樂。」(Sending LOVE to all my Homies and Fans, in Italy particularly, the UK and the US and everywhere in the world I have been lucky enough to visit on my travels with DURAN DURAN.Cannot wait to be back onstage again, sharing new music, love and joy. Stay safe, stay connected and get creative! Love John)