2017-09-28 06:00:00

Learn from the Bus Tragedy 奪命巴士意外


Our high-capacity and busy roads run through densely populated areas. Many people are crowding the pavements along our roads. To improve road safety for everyone,there are two lessons to learn from the tragic accident last week.

First. Bus drivers need more respect on the road, more money to bring home, and shorter working hours to improve road safety(尊重司機及改善薪酬和待遇). Hong Kong’s working conditions are a far cry from overseas standards. In Europe, the rule is breaks of at least 45 minutes in total after no more than 4 hours 30 minutes driving. Daily driving can’t exceed 9 hours, with a maximum of two exemptions to 10 hours in one week. That means a maximum of 56 hours in one week. And a weekly rest of 45 continuous hours. 

The second important change needed is to limit the speed of vehicles at road junctions and pedestrian crossings which are controlled by traffic lights. When lights turn green, cars move. When lights turn yellow, they race to make the lights (趕燈尾,衝黃燈). It is a bad habit. But it is real. And it is dangerous. The best way to improve road safety is to reduce the speed with which vehicles are allowed to pass through traffic lights by 20km/h. That means 30km/h for 50km/h roads, and to 50km/h on 70km/h roads. And to install speed cameras at all traffic lights (於交通燈位安裝快相機) with priority for high-capacity roads in urban areas. Slowing down for crossings and junctions has limited impact on your journey time, but will significantly improve road safety in our crowded streets.
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