因為《給十九歲的我》,社會引發了不少有關紀錄片的討論。這些討論,在我眼中反映出多數港人(包括部分電影從業員)對紀錄片的誤解。說過了,藝術應該是讓我們認識真相的大話。電影作為第八藝術,紀錄片又作為電影一種類型,紀錄片應該都是讓我們認識真相的大話。關於紀錄片,現代藝術博物館(MoMa)便有以下介紹:Though nonfiction filmmaking is as old as the medium itself, among the earliest feature-length documentaries to be released, and a foundation of the genre, was Nanook of the North(1922). Made by Robert J. Flaherty, it follows a year in the life of Nanook, an Inuit hunter. Flaherty looked to Hollywood in structuring his footage into a loose narrative of both staged and observed scenes. In the process, he romanticized and sometimes stereotyped Nanook, but also stayed true to the spirit of the life he sought to capture.
儘管取材自事實,浪漫化甚至模板化,從第一天開始紀錄片就是如此。那麼,紀錄片的本質究竟是甚麼?紀錄片導演Robert Greene說得好,So in essence, non-fiction cinema is the act of fictionalising what really happened or happens. Because this process often involves real people and their actual stories, it’s fraught with immense ethical and moral ambiguity. These tensions between the real and the constructed, between the aesthetic and the ethical, give life to the form; the best documentaries embrace these frictions and make use of them to create meaningful, layered cinema.
作者為美國克林信大學經濟系副教授、香港大學香港經濟及商業策略研究所名譽高級研究員、中文大學香港亞太研究所經濟研究中心成員 http://www.facebook.com/economics3.0