Visa剛買入他們的第一個非同質化代幣(Non-Fungible Token,簡稱NFT)。 (資料圖片)
「Visa’s journey begins in 1958, the year that Bank of America launched the first consumer credit card program for middle-class consumers and small to medium-sized merchants in the U.S. .....In 2007, regional businesses around the world were merged to form Visa Inc and, in 2008, the company went public in one of the largest IPOs in history......Today, Visa operates in more than 200 countries and territories with products and services available on any device – cards, laptops, tablets and mobile devices. We continue to evolve, but our focus remains the same — to be the best way to pay and be paid, for everyone, everywhere. 」
從現金到支票,又從支票到信用卡,再從信用卡到網上支付。求變,要提供最好的支付經驗,Visa又點睇加密貨幣前景?早前Visa便宣布,與 FTX和Coinbase等超過50家加密貨幣公司合作,容許用戶透過Visa支付網路進行加密貨幣交易。擁抱加密貨幣,Visa剛剛更買入他們的第一個非同質化代幣(Non-Fungible Token,簡稱NFT)。這個由Larva Labs創作的CryptoPunk7610,買入價為49.5個以太幣,即約15萬美元。
被問到Visa為何買入這NFT,Visa加密貨幣業務負責人Cuy Sheffie回應,買入的原因有三:其一,Visa希望學習;其二,Visa希望支持NFT的創作者和收藏者;其三,收藏NFT在文化上有象徵意義。Visa點睇NFT前景?Visa認為NFT在未來的零售、社交媒體、娛樂、商業上將扮演重要角色。至於Visa的角色,提供既安全又方便的支付服務,一直是Visa追求的。可以預見,Visa將與更多NFT的買賣雙方和創作者加強合作。由此可見,主流商界歡迎加密貨幣,加密貨幣的認受性已經到達了一個不容易逆轉的程度。