Tesla Cybertruck特朗普大廈外爆炸釀1死,馬斯克:後車箱有煙花或炸彈。(X)
候任美國總統特朗普將於12日就職,其位於拉斯維加斯特朗普大廈(Trump Tower)於周三(1日)、2025年第一日,就發生爆炸事件。事件涉及一架Tesla Cybertruck,網上影片顯示,爆炸力相當驚人,司機當場死亡,另外7人受傷,初步將事件定性為恐怖襲擊。
🚨 #BREAKING: The Cybertruck explosion outside of Trump Tower in Las Vegas is now being investigated as a possible ACT OF TERR0R, per ABC News.
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) January 1, 2025
The driver is deceased, and 7 bystanders have been injured. pic.twitter.com/ngl2JyAHzE
集團執行副總裁Eric Trump下午在社交平台X上推文證實事件,指有報告說,拉斯維加斯特朗普大廈的門廊處發生了一起電動車起火事件,保證客人和員工的安全和福祉是集團的首要任務。並感謝拉斯維加斯消防局和當地執法部門的迅速反應和專業精神。
We have now confirmed that the explosion was caused by very large fireworks and/or a bomb carried in the bed of the rented Cybertruck and is unrelated to the vehicle itself.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 1, 2025
All vehicle telemetry was positive at the time of the explosion. https://t.co/HRjb87YbaJ