2019-01-25 18:15:00

輕了9公斤 曾蔭權Facebook感謝支持

(Support Donald Tsang @ FB)

(Support Donald Tsang @ FB)

前行政長官曾蔭權前年被裁定一項公職人員行為失當罪成,判囚20個月,去年7月上訴失敗,但獲上訴庭減刑至12個月,扣減假期後,上周二(15日)刑滿出獄後,今日透過Facebook專頁「Support Donald Tsang」發出一篇英文的感言,感謝支持他的朋友,表示自己很高興回到了家,由於有信仰、家人、朋友、前同事及很多香港人的支持,他在出獄後身心狀態都還好,體重輕了9公斤,感覺更健康。




A heart-warming message from Mr Donald Tsang:

Dear friends,

I would like to express my deepest thanks for your enduring affection and good wishes.

I am pleased that I have returned home. Last Tuesday (January 15) morning I was set free, having completed the prison term of twelve months, eventually reduced on good behavior to eight months.

Thanks to my faith and church, the support of my family, friends, former colleagues and numerous other people in Hong Kong, I survived the incarceration without any obvious wounds to my body and mind. I now weigh nine kilos less and feel healthier. Spiritually I have gone through some happy changes that allow me to leave my past to the mercy of God, to surrender my future wholly at His disposal, and to be grateful for His generous blessings day by day.

For the sake of justice, I have lodged an appeal against my conviction which, alas, has already exacted its price in full. My case has been accepted for a full hearing at the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal in mid-May.

Again, please accept my deepest gratitude for your love, prayers, concerns and support for my family and me during our difficult times.

Donald Tsang

# SupportDonaldTsang

