更多資訊請參考以下網站:http://www.expopark.taipei 或 www.anticovid19tw.org
For any MICE event the “ Touch of Taiwanese Food “ has been a highlight in the program schedules, the local cuisine having been influenced by its history and its geographic location. A variety of local cuisines in Taipei such as minced pork rice, oyster omelet and chicken cutlet provides delightful tastes and unforgettable dining experience. Mango shaved ice at YongKang street is also a must-try dessert! In addition to the street foods mentioned above, the number of local restaurants and eateries listed in the Michelin Guide continues to increase.
During the already past months of 2020, the MICE community in Taipei have worked hard to come with creative solutions.
Yuanshan Plaza is an international conference and exhibition venue in Taipei city. Pandemic prevention and disinfection notices are posted at entrances, tables and chairs are set at proper social distances, temperature checks and disinfection measures are in use at restaurants, and professional pest control is done regularly. Cleaning staff completely sanitizes the public dining area, plus restaurant staff have their temperatures checked and sanitize their hands.
Organizers these days avoid serving foods where multiple hands will touch the food and arrange for food to be served by staff who are trained in safe food handling. General guidelines the F&B service providers are implemented like keeping the amount of food on display low, plate service and pre-packed meal bags or boxes.
All Taipei’s MICE stakeholders are ready to serve all required F&B services to its fullest, and safest, and prepare to deliver healthy and safe “WOW” F&B experiences for all budgets and for all tastes!
For more information please visit http://www.expopark.taipei or www.anticovid19tw.org

小籠包皮薄Q爆肉汁! Thin-skinned and juicy xiaolongbao!

花博公園餐飲共食區清潔人員,每日進行全面消毒(圖片來源: 財團法人臺北市會展產業發展基金會) Sanitized public environment at Yuanshan Plaza (Source: Taipei EXPO Foundation)

飯店餐廳提供酒精棉片予賓客清潔使用,希望讓消費者吃的安心!(圖片來源: 台北寒舍艾美酒店) Hotel restaurant provides alcohol pads for diners. (Source: Le Méridien Taipei)