美國矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank,SVB)上周五(10日)倒閉,周日(12日)再有另一間銀行Signature Bank,亦被美國監管當局關閉。有「對沖基金大鱷」之稱的Bill Ackman今(13日)於社交網站發文,認為即使聯儲局進行干預,仍有銀行出現問題而導致倒閉。
Bill Ackman指出,是次若無聯儲局出手干預,市場便會出現擠兌,令數百萬人造成巨大的經濟損失及困難;又表示雖然當局已作出干預,但仍可能會有更多銀行倒閉,而政府現在有一個明確的路線圖以說明政府如何管理。
Bill Ackman稱,最重要的是政府已發出民眾可以信任銀行系統的訊息。若民眾對銀行體系失去信心,屆時只剩下3家或4家大到不能倒的銀行,當地社區及區域銀行系統將崩潰;又形容現已非常幸運,政府為國家做了正確的事(Our government did the right thing for the country. We are very fortunate it did so.)。
This was not a bailout. During the GFC, the gov’t injected taxpayer money in the form of preferred stock into banks. Bondholders were protected and shareholders were diluted to varying degrees. Taxpayer money was put at great risk. Many people who screwed up suffered minimal to… https://t.co/mjwcnVRV9X
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) March 13, 2023