2020-08-28 09:00:00

團結力量大 臺北MICE疫後振興














The winds of change and the waves of “old habits” will create a MICE tsunami in the years to come, “all” Taipei’s MICE suppliers are working hard to ensure that health guidelines are met and exceeded, so participants will know they are as safe, maybe even safer, on a planned and tightly managed MICE trip. Taipei City Government has also made a series of preparations for pandemic prevention, such as relief programs, business revitalization plans, quarantine hotels, a disease prevention taxi fleet, employment subsidies and grant programs for people under quarantine, and more.


Secondly they are collectively exploring, and now implementing, the technologies related to on-line conferencing, enabling hybrid meetings and thus enlarging audiences. The Department of Information and Tourism of Taipei City Government Commissioner Yi-Ting Liu commented, "Entering the post-pandemic period, hybrid exhibitions and meetings that combine the digitalization and transformation from physical to virtual will be the trend.  In the future, we will create new opportunities for the MICE industry by connecting with experts from different industries and fields."


In New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern recently said, in a Q+A interview, that officials were looking at tailored criteria for events and that "We're going to follow, pretty closely, the Taiwanese model. They worked up a framework for mass gatherings that's been quite successful."


All Taipei’s MICE stakeholders are ready to soon serve Asian MICE participants to it is fullest extend and capitalize on their country’s enhanced image on making sure their citizens, and thus their visitors are as safe as humanly possible.


For more information please visit www.expopark.taipei or  www.anticovid19tw.org

Taipei MICE reopens! First large-scale medical conference sees one thousand participants. (Source: Taiwan Society of Cardiology)

Taipei MICE reopens! First large-scale medical conference sees one thousand participants. (Source: Taiwan Society of Cardiology)

After its official restart in June, Taiwan's MICE industry had its first major event on July 25. The 50th annual convention and scientific session of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology was held in the Taipei International Conference Center. During the two-day session, nearly 1,700 participants attended. Mr. Juey-Jen Hwang, president of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology, thanked the Taipei City Government for swiftly enacting epidemic measures and establishing new guidelines for the MICE industry, which consequently enabled the important convention to remain on schedule. With the cooperation of all event sectors, the host and all participants felt safe at the event.


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